Stable Sorting

  • Explain what stable sorting means and determine which sorting algorithms (that we learned so far) are stable.

A stable sorting algorithm is one that maintains the order of elements with duplicate sort keys (values by which we are sorting.) This property may be necessary if the sort order is based on a subset of the objects' attributes.

Exercise Fill out the following table to determine which sorting algorithms are stable. Indicate in the third column what special conditions (or data structures) must be employed to ensure the given algorithm is stable.

BubbleYesDon't swap equal values
InsertionYesDon't swap equal values
MergeYesSee below
  • Bubble sort works by continuously comparing adjacent items so that the most significant items bubble over to the end of the array. The algorithm can be implemented in such a manner that if items are equal, no swapping occurs.

  • Selection sort works by repeatedly finding the minimum element in the unsorted part of a list & swapping it with the first item in the sorted part of the array. Due to the nature of this method, duplicate items would not maintain the same order.

  • Insertion sort works by continuously and sequentially comparing elements and arranging them in a particular order. This algorithm is stable because all identical elements are inserted in the sorted array after one another in the same order discovered.

  • The final sequence of the results from heapsort comes from removing items from the created heap in purely rank order (based on the key field). Therefore any information about the ordering of the items in the original sequence was lost during the heap creation stage, which came first.

  • Merge sort breaks down an array into multiple subarrays of halved size and builds back up to the original collection via comparison. The sort is stable as long as the same pattern for equivalent items is maintained (e.g., always taking left-half values).

  • Quicksort is not stable since it exchanges nonadjacent elements.