Java Interlude: Built-in Sorts

  • Describe what sorting algorithm is used in Java's API.

The Java Collections.sort()​ method implements (a variant) of merge sort.

The Java Arrays.sort() method implements the quicksort, selecting the pivot as the median of the three elements (first, last and middle element) when $n \leq 40$, and the median of nine equally spaced elements when $n > 40$. It also switches to the insertion sort when $n < 7$.

Why does Java use quicksort to sort a collection (array) of primitives but for collections of reference variables, it uses merge sort?

The Java API guarantees a stable sorting, which merge sort offers but quicksort doesn't offer. However, when sorting primitive values by their natural order, you would not notice a difference as primitive values have no identity. Therefore, quicksort can be used for primitive arrays and will be used when it is considered more efficient.