Get Operation
- Trace the basic operations of a (singly) linked list implementation.
- Understand the basic operations of a (singly) linked list well enough to implement them.
Suppose we have a linked list with $n$ elements (nodes), and we want to get the data stored in the $k^{th}$ element (at index $k-1$).

Exercise Complete the implementation of the get
method which returns data stored at a given index.
public T get(int index) {
return null; // TODO Implement me!
Hint: you cannot directly jump to $K^{th}$ node. You need to start at the head
and follow the next
references to get there!
public T get(int index) {
return find(index).data;
// PRE: 0 <= index < numElements
private Node<T> find(int index) {
Node<T> target = head;
for(int counter = 0; counter < index; ounter++) {
target =;
return target;
Caution: the implementation above fails to account for an edge case!